In KS2 we support children to meet the standards set by the Department of Education. This includes Reading, Writing and Maths. We also focus on Speaking and Listening.

In Year’s 3,4 and 5 focus purely on the National Curriculum and we work specifically on areas that children need support with. Which children being grouped in abilities it enables our staff to provide better learning opportunities. We also prepare them for their unofficial assessments at the end of their academic year.

In Year 6 we particularly prepare for the KS2 SATS examinations. Children often struggle with the comprehension of questions. We help them break down questions and understand exactly what the question is asking from them. We provide support in Spelling, Punctuation, Grammar, Writing, Reading Comprehension. In Maths we focus on Arithmetic and Reasoning. Another main focus is time management as children often run out of time resulting in incomplete questions. By encouraging them to plan their questions they are more likely to reach the end of the paper.

Voted OUTSTANDING by our local education authority